44 Cats (known as 44 Gatti in Italy) is an Italian computer-animated children's television series created by Iginio Straffi. The series is mainly produced by the Rainbow studio, which was co-owned by Viacom at the time of the show's premiere. Viacom's Nickelodeon channels broadcast 44 Cats worldwide, while both RAI's YoYo network and Nick Jr. Italy air the series in Italy. The series follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats. The series premiered on Rai YoYo in Italy on 12 November 2018.
The series follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the BuffyCats.
- Charlie
- Boss
- Blister and Scab
- The Boom-Boom Steppers
- Cosmo
- Gas
- Snobine
- Gaby
- Igor
- Neko
- Fleur
- Cato
- Wrench
- Edison
- Piperita
- Astricat
- Cats in Black
- LaPalette
- Quatermain
- Tutan-kat-mon
- The Pinky Paws
- Cherry
- Lolly
- Betty
- Milky and Choc
- Scribbly
- Snoogie
- Olympio
- Cop
- Ambrogio
- Cream
- Archibald
- Corney
- Baby Pie
- Dr. Fisby
- Jungle
- Glitter
List of episodes[]
Season 1[]
No. | Title | Original air date | U.S. air date |
1 - 2 | Buffycats on a Mission A Puppy to Save |
November 12, 2018 | May 25, 2019 |
3 - 4 | The Astronaut Cat Cat Traps |
November 13, 2018 | May 25, 2019 |
5 - 6 | Gaby, The Reporter Cat Gas, The Stinky Cat |
November 14, 2018 | June 10, 2019 |
7 - 8 | Granny Pina's Secret Recipe Neko, The Lucky Cat |
November 15, 2018 | June 11, 2019 |
9 - 10 | A Dog as a Friend Lampo and the Crazy Race |
November 16, 2018 | June 12, 2019 |
11 - 12 | Cat Fever The Dance Contest |
November 17, 2018 | June 13, 2019 |
12 - 13 | Milady and the Cat-Fu Master Milky & Chock's Circus |
November 18, 2018 | June 17, 2019 |
- The series was inspired by a song from the 1968 Zecchino d'Oro competition called "Quarantaquattro gatti".