44 Cats Wiki

Gas is a stinky cat that has a powerful stench that can make you gag and faint for a second until you recover for some fresh air. He was first introduced in Gas, the Stinky Cat.

Physical appearance[]

Gas' fur is brown with dirty spots all over and his eye color is chocolate brown. He wears a black vest, a red and white polka dot bowtie, a black bowler hat on his head, and like Scab, his whiskers are crooked.


Gas may appear as an aggressive and mean cat, but in the end, he as a very good heart. As Shown in "Detective Pilou" when he involuntarily steals a flower of Fleur for his girlfriend Snobine.


His main ability aside from the standard cat ability is his ability to weaponize his vile body odor. He simply put, stinks and his name is derived from his ghastly smelling farts.


  • The reason why he doesn't like having baths was because of a horrible past that involved him losing his brothers during a scene of being chased by a cat catcher and then falling into a river, only to be saved by a bag of stinky trash.
  • He is in love with a female cat named Snobine.
  • In 44 Cats - The Musical, he can use his scent to change colors into green as he used it on Fleur's flowers to turn them green.

